Tag Archives: blog

6 Benefits of Baby Swimming Lessons

Yes, baby swimming lessons are a ‘thing’ and yes, there are plenty of benefits for [...]

Spectacular Guy Fawkes Crafts for Kids

Ready for some sparkling fun making Guy Fawkes crafts? We sure are! We’d be the [...]

Best Kids Birthday Cake Ideas

Remember looking through the Women’s Weekly kids’ birthday cake book? I do, and it was [...]

7 Easy Father’s Day Crafts

Once again, it’s time to get cracking on making those Father’s Day crafts! This year, [...]

Outdoor Play Activities for Under 2s

Get ready for some outdoor play activities ideal for the under twos. There’ll be fun, [...]

Surviving Your Child’s First Time on the Snow

The powder has arrived, and so has the time for your child’s first time on [...]

Special Potion Tips for Magical Mischief

Well, well, well. What do we have here? Small little people who fancy themselves as [...]

How to Weave a Matariki Star

Our Matariki star art weaving activity is super cute, if we do say so ourselves! [...]

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It’s Mud Painting Time

If you haven’t done mud painting before, where on earth have you been?! Mud painting [...]

6 Cute Ideas for Mother’s Day Crafts

This May, increase your chances of getting a handcrafted gift from your children by sharing [...]